Vocal warm ups for singers: tips and exercises for your voice
Warming up might seem like unnecessary and boring waste of time. However proper warm up can make or break your performance. Most if not all professional singers warm up their voices, and so should you. There are some naturally born singers out there that can open their mouth and start singing just like that, but there are not that many. Let’s look at why, what … Continue reading Vocal warm ups for singers: tips and exercises for your voice

Singing for the Stars by Seth Riggs (Book Review)
Singing for the Stars by Seth Riggs is not just a book on singing and vocal technique. Singing for the Stars is a complete program for training the voice. It comes as a short book with 2 exercise CDs. I believe it was originally released by Seth Riggs in mid 1980s and then reissued in 1998. But it is still one of the best vocal … Continue reading Singing for the Stars by Seth Riggs (Book Review)

What does good singing feel like?
For a long time as I was learning how to sing, I was seeking sensations. I thought, I should feel something here or there. After all, singing requires effort, right? It turned out that good singing doesn’t feel anything like I have imagined. Worst of all is that my concepts about what it should feel like hindered my progress big time! Good singing is a … Continue reading What does good singing feel like?

Tips for practicing singing in the car
I got into voice training when my youngest daughter was born. I couldn’t practice singing at home because she was sleeping a lot. But even if I could, I would be too shy to do it when my wife could hear me. For the longest time my car was the only place I could practice. I found that practicing in the car is not ideal … Continue reading Tips for practicing singing in the car